Win a FREE seat for Susy Webb's routing and signal return path seminar!

We are offering our valued SierraConnect members a chance to win a seat (worth $245) for @susy.webb’s seminar on designing the routing and signal return path of digital PCBs. Here’s how you can enter:

  1. Follow SierraConnect on LinkedIn.
  2. Post your antennas and EMI questions in this thread and the question we find the most interesting will win!

You have until September 17th to try your luck.

See the class details and agenda here.

Good luck!

When routing multiple signals and/or power that are required to cross one another, transitions between layers, and/or cross breaks in the ground plane because of low layer count or connector placement what are techniques to minimize possible emissions and is it better to route longer with less layer transitions or vice versa?

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How does the return path behave differently in a 4L v. 6L board and how does that impact design decisions?

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How do design rules differ for routing when working with sensitive RF signals or high-speed digital circuits?

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Many boards feature a large empty area between the PCB antenna and everything else – to a longer transmission line and a larger board.

(1) Is this a keepout to reduce interference?
(2) I’m still at the not-even-sure-about-this stage of knowledge; is there a good source on antennas, either for practical/good-enough or for theory (but assuming very limited background)?

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How do PCB trace layouts influence the performance of RF antennas, and what are the best practices to avoid signal degradation or EMI issues?

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